BSB51207 Diploma Of Marketing 

Qualification Description

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who possess a sound theoretical knowledge base in marketing management and demonstrate a range of managerial skills to ensure that marketing functions are effectively conducted in an organisation or business area. Typically they would have responsibility for the work of other staff and lead teams in conducting marketing campaigns.

Depending on the units selected for the qualification, candidates may obtain a generic marketing qualification or specialise in direct marketing, public relations or international marketing.

Job roles 

Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:

  • marketing manager

  • marketing team leader

  • product manager

  • public relations manager.

Pathways Information

Qualification pathways 

Pathways into the qualification

Preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include:

BSB41307 Certificate IV in Marketing or other relevant qualification


with vocational marketing experience but new to the role of marketing team leader, supervisor or manager and without formal marketing qualifications


with vocational marketing experience in marketing team leader, supervision or management, seeking to consolidate skills and knowledge in managing the marketing function in an organisation but without formal marketing qualifications.

 Pathways from the qualification

BSB60507 Advanced Diploma of Marketing or other Advanced Diploma qualifications

Licensing/Regulatory Information

There is no direct link between this qualification and licensing, legislative or regulatory requirements. However, where required, a unit of competency will specify relevant licensing, legislative or regulatory requirements that impact on the unit.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

Employability Skills Summary

BSB51207 Diploma of Marketing  

The following table contains a summary of the employability skills required by industry for this qualification. The employability skills facets described here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on qualification packaging options.

Employability skill Industry or enterprise requirements for this qualification include :


  • clearly communicating workplace information to others verbally and non-verbally

  • questioning to clarify and evaluate information

  • writing in a range of styles to suit different audiences


  • briefing various personnel on their roles and responsibilities regarding the implementation of a marketing solution

  • defining performance measures and coordinating the activities of team members

  • implementing team building strategies


  • determining, modifying and adjusting the optimal marketing mix

  • performing revenue and cost analysis and working within budget

  • solving workplace issues and problems either individually or with assistance of team members

Initiative and enterprise

  • assessing and evaluating the financial viability of making changes

  • encouraging creative and innovative workplace solutions

  • identifying new and emerging opportunities for the business and developing strategies to capitalise on them

  • managing, fostering and facilitating change

Planning and organising

  • collecting, collating and analysing information using appropriate workplace business systems

  • developing systems that are flexible and responsive to changing circumstances

  • managing resource acquisition and deployment within budgetary constraints

  • planning complex projects

  • planning for contingencies


  • managing own time and priorities and dealing with contingencies

  • taking responsibility as required by job role and ensuring organisational policies and procedures are adhered to


  • contributing to the learning of others through implementing team building and organisational development activities

  • receiving and giving feedback, and providing coaching and mentoring


  • using computerised systems, software and telecommunication devices to process and analyse data and to create documents

  • using technology to assist the management of information and to assist in planning processes

  • using technology to record and generate ideas

Packaging Rules

Total number of units  = 8  

8 elective units 

5 elective units  must be selected from the Group A elective units below.

At least 2 elective units  must be selected from the Group B elective units below.

1 elective unit  may be selected from the remaining Group A or Group B units, from this Training Package or from any current accredited course or endorsed Training Package at this qualification level or Certificate IV or Advanced Diploma level.

Elective units must be relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and the qualification level.

Group A elective units


BSBMKG501B Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities

BSBMKG502B Establish and adjust the marketing mix

BSBMKG506B Plan market research

BSBMKG507A Interpret market trends and developments

BSBMKG514A Implement and monitor marketing activities

BSBMKG515A Conduct a marketing audit

Group B elective units 


BSBADV507B Develop a media plan

BSBMKG523A Design and develop an integrated marketing communication plan

Financial administration 

BSBFIA501A Report on finances related to international business

Financial management 

BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans


BSBMKG409A Design direct response offers

BSBMKG508A Plan direct marketing activities

BSBMKG509A Implement and monitor direct marketing activities

BSBMKG510B Plan e-marketing communications

BSBMKG511A Analyse data from international markets

BSBMKG512A Forecast international market and business needs

BSBMKG513A Promote products and services to international markets

BSBMKG516B Profile international markets

BSBMKG517A Analyse consumer behaviour for specific international markets

BSBMKG518A Plan and implement services marketing

BSBMKG519A Plan and implement business-to-business marketing

BSBMKG520A Manage compliance within the marketing legislative framework

BSBMKG521A Plan and implement sponsorship and event marketing

BSBMKG522A Plan measurement of marketing effectiveness

Public relations 

BSBPUB501A Manage the public relations publication process

BSBPUB502A Develop and manage complex public relations campaigns

BSBPUB503A Manage fundraising and sponsorship activities

BSBPUB504A Develop and implement crisis management plans

Relationship management 

BSBREL501A Build international client relationships

BSBREL502A Build international business networks


BSBSLS501A Develop a sales plan

BSBSLS502A Lead and manage a sales team


BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability


BSBWRT501A Write persuasive copy
